Thursday, November 27, 2014

Humorous packages :)

There are a lot's of funny packages for goods.

More pictures are here.

Friday, November 21, 2014

William S. Burroughs

Have your ever heard about William Lee? In 1951 he made a home party with his friends. He expect one guest will buy his gun but the expected person did not come. William with his wife decide to have a fun in front of their friends in Wilgelm Tell style. His wife Joanne set a cup on her head. William Burroughs made a mistake and has killed her by first shoot.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Easy way to emigrate in USA

  1. Enroll in any State College/State University. I recommend you to get to know about is your major strategy significant for the united states empire :)
  2. Try not to be fired even though till the end of send year of studying. 
  3. Join Work&Travel program
  4. When you are in the United States try to shift away to an disclosed location laying the piec of paper with note "I can't take this like anymore"
  5. Using hobo, petrol and bourbon - Imitate your death. Now there is no possibility to identify you. And then...
  6.  Go to the near bikers bar and shout loudly: "Hey! FAGGOTS!!! Yeah all of you motherfuckers FUCK YOU!!!" or something in alternate way but the the meaning of message should be caught immediately. Try to stay alive. 
  7. Burn out your finger-tips by some caustic/alkali and go to the police office. Say them "I have lost my memory in horrible accident". Doctors will diagnose plural traumas, haematomas and concussion of the brain.
  8. Ack like a mountebank - they couldn't prove anything. Say nothing on questions about your age, brothers/sisters, mother/father, about your accident happened. They will tired of fact-finding and there is every likelihood tgat after your aftertreatment  they will give up and will send you to resocialization course. And they will give you new ID. 
  9. Now you have the citizenship of the United States of America!
Congrats lucky cunt!

Monday, November 10, 2014

I don't like to post such pictures in blog but...

... but I found there pictures awesome!

Women are must be obeyed! :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why you should cede a sit in public transport

Just a few photos

and that's why you should do the subj :-)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

When you haven't enough money for vacation on the beach

There are some enthusiasts in Russia who make a sea in their flat. 
It's wonderful what a pressure was on the floor if the water-mass density is 1 tonn/m^3 
More photos here.