This year I've graduated MBA program.
So recently I've found a good article on
- Do go in with an open mind. Whether you want it or not, your life and way of thinking will be transformed from this experience
- Don’t assume that everyone will pull their weight in group work. They won’t and you can’t go running to your professors trying to get people kicked out of your group for non-performance. Part of the learning of an MBA is perfecting conflict resolution and interpersonal skills
- Do remember that you can’t be the best student/wife/employee/friend at the same time. Remember that early, it will save you a lot of hassle
- Don’t forget to network! I tried to keep in contact with as many people as possible from our introduction week. If possible, start taking advantage of your alumni network early
- Do use your programme as a platform to test ideas and think outside the box
- Don’t be afraid share your ideas and passions and be controversial at times. Just remember to be respectful
- Do plan a huge trip when you finish. My husband and I went to Athens, Madrid and Rome and it was amazing, but the best part was having so many friends and family join us
- Don’t forget about your friends and family. They are your support through this and will still be there when it is all over to congratulate you
- Do remember that you won’t use absolutely everything you learn in your MBA during your career. Take the important pieces from it. For me, it was strategy, organisational behaviour and some finance
- Don’t think that finishing your MBA is the beginning of the rest of your life. It is a step in the right direction but you have so much to still achieve. Take time to think about what you truly want to do. The goals you started with may have changed. That’s perfectly ok.
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